Butterfly Wings
Hello Readers!
Happy 50th blog post! And happy 2 years old to my blog! Thanks for being rad people and interesting yourselves in this humble projection of my heart. It's cool to know I actually can do things when I want to. Please, I beg you, don't go back to my first post in this blog. No one needs to see that.
Well I guess we could say that my fashion hasn't changed, just grown. I know I have strict parameters on how my outfits are put together, and since the theme of elegance and sophistication haven't varied much since high school, it would be interesting to see if things have changed at all. Of course, I started shopping at stores in the mall that would be classified as "old lady" and "business formal" so like... I guess I'm an old business lady. But the truth is I like quality and class, so... No yep I'm an old business lady.
This particular treasure was found online at my favorite store ShopRuche.com and I wish I could tell you it's still there, but alas(ka) there is no more because I bought it on ExtrEMe CLeaRAnCE!!!! and there is no more. But the delicate sleeves and cute ruffles make me feel like a butterfly,
I'm not quite sure my style can be described as "Haphazardly Preppy" anymore, which is okay since it was 2 years ago I made my blog. So, lets see what my readers think. Feel free to leave a comment below if you think you can describe my style in a few words! And if you want, comment what you think describes your own style! I love hearing about the creativity people use in explaining their philosophy for getting dressed in the morning. Sometimes I ask a guy why he wore that particular shirt that day, just to see if there is ever any more creativity than "It was clean." Usually I'm disappointed.
Okay so my uni is super rad and is building all this new stuff on campus, which is part of their Impact 2020 Campaign (Raising 12.5 million dollars in 4 years) and so this courtyard is part of the new pretty rennovations they did this summer and itS SO COOL it looks like an elegant movie and it is so casually there it's great. If you want to read more about this legit campus this is the website for the campaign. (Also the back of my head is in one of these photos)
But that being said, I will NOT be taking pictures in this location again, because there are so many windows and every window has people staring and it was a very uncomf experience.
//Dress: Ruche//Watch: Sears//Earrings: Suzy Shier//Shoes: Payless// |
Thanks for reading; I hope to post more but each post might be further apart for this season just because of my schedule and the way I am sweltering under the pressing weight of entirely too strenuous activities and the impossibility of existence without one's life being overcome by meetings and emails haha *cries*
For anyone with a broken heart, or wants to know how it feels to have a broken heart, or is having a good day and feels like nothing can break their heart, I give you this eloquent masterpiece by Johnnyswim, a husband/wife duo from California with the hottest tunes I've ever heard.
Ahhh. It is healing, almost. So important.
Love, Natasha
*bonus photo* "hey what if i just sniffed the wall"