Spring Isn't Showing Up
Hello Friends!
It's me! Just kidding, it's not. It's actually ME, Stephanie! I am Natasha's bestest friendy friend and I am here to write her blog post today. Guest post~!
Isn't Natasha the cutest? Answer: yes. Even in the horrible tundra of Manitoba, she stays upbeat which is more than can be said of moi, who enjoys the temperate (read: non-existent) winters of Kelowna. I went to visit Natasha last month and it was a little scary. Never have I ever experienced such winter. It was outside of my plausibility structure.
(ShE lOoKs LiKe EaStEr WoW sPrInG iS sO nIcE)
(My condolences to Manitoba)
(Holla at the Kelowna sun)
So how is everyone in Manitoba doing? Are you guys ready for spring? I feel like the winter blues would be a serious issue out in the prairies because winter is sooooo looooong. Fun Fact: Seasonal Affective Disorder (aptly abbreviated as SAD) is a depressive disorder that is like actual winter blues. You get super depressed during winter months and it's really attributed to the lack of light around these times of the year. Some people experience SAD in the summertime, citing too much light as a major factor, but most cases come about in the winter months. All in all, I think everyone is super ready for spring.
I speak from the future!!! In Kelowna, spring is already here! I have been driving with the windows down and taking huge enormous breaths of fresh air that is outside because I go outside sometimes. It is wonderful and I encourage you to keep going because you have almost survived and then everything will be great! Here comes the sun~
Having Natasha back home has been super duper and it makes me really excited for summer! Summer is so great and Natasha and I always have really fun times together. The last two summers have been insanely amazing due to Natasha's inclusion in them. I hope everyone can have a friend to do super fun stuff with all the time and also with whom you can do nothing with and still be The Most Entertained. Who knows what this summer will bring! Maybe we will switch our bagel obsession to donuts. Maybe we will actually work out. Maybe we will go to Idaho.
But perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. It's not even spring where Natasha lives yet. However, contrary to the title of this post, it is showing up soon. I prom.
Yay spring (winter)!
Well, it's been a slice. Thank you, friends, for having me. I am not as good at making blog posts as Natasha (as seen here) but as a matter-o-fact I have a blog. I have one post. Maybe I'll make more. Check it out! I am proud of the title if nothing else: https://happybadday.wordpress.com/
//Dress: Reitmans//Sweater: Borrowed//Tights: Joe Fresh//Hairband: Old// |
Are we ready for a song? I am going to make Natasha let me choose a song. My favourite artist, my muse, my artistic inspiration: Melanie Martinez. I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting her and seeing her in concert in Vancouver earlier this month and let ME tell YOU that she is amazing live. I was just enamoured by her willingness to unabashedly be herself and basically tell the world to suck it if they don't like it. She has been a key player on my journey through tolerating (and even learning to enjoy) art and so it is fitting that I share this with y'all.