
I would just like to extend a warm welcome to all the haters. Greetings. 

There are so many things that I have learned since starting my blog. When to take pictures, how to model, what to talk about, who actually cares enough to read it, and also that everything looks better with heels. 

I've also learned that vulnerability over the internet can be a powerful thing; so I plan to write a bit about my weaknesses for this post. 

One of my greatest weaknesses is being consumed by thoughts about things that don't matter. I spend a lot of my time thinking about new outfits or different things to do with my hair. I have a habit of daydreaming and all-too-thoroughly processing my interactions with guys. I don't feel like my day is spent in control of my thoughts, and I can imagine that I am not alone in this feeling. I am intensely aware of the way people perceive me, probably stemming from insecurity. I also don't know how to file taxes, and I can't stop spending money on things, no matter how hard I try. I am too lazy to even handle the minimum requirements of adult life (food, shelter, taking your makeup off every night) and I get very upset when people tell me I did something incorrectly. I have an aversion to using electronic devices as an interruption to a conversation, and I don't at all appreciate animals. Or kids. I don't like kids. I'm really selfish and I don't like to disrupt my routine. I have a heart that falls for boys too easily, and a mind that can't let go of the idea of the Perfect Man For Me. I am often tactless and can't speak coherently when it really counts. I get too excited and yell sometimes. I like attention and I get obnoxious quickly. My pride is sometimes a barrier between me and God, He says again and again in His word to "humble yourself before God" and I struggle hard core with that. I think I always will struggle with that. 

I'm not really sure how to end a post like this, I've laid myself bare for you today. Some of these things I have never told anyone about. But if I can be vulnerable on the internet, then so can you. Maybe it's time you started a blog, shared your honest self, and took time to be creative about it. I would like that a lot. 

This song by Young Oceans is like a wave of reminders, a way to centre myself after getting lost in the day. Enjoy and have a great week! 

Love, Natasha 


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